No is Not the Answer

  Please stop saying 'no' immediately. This may sound bold. Not because we're suddenly saying yes to everything but because a conversation is infinitely better than an instant 'no.' A quick 'no'...

3 Things Your Tween Wishes You Didn’t Do

  I have full faith in you and your parenting, yet I want to share what some tweens I met with wished were different.    1) Taking their phone away every time they mess up.  They feel it’s your...

Keeping Promises in the Time of Conflict

  Your adolescent is angry, and she directs it at you. Before school started last fall, you two agreed that submitting homework on time and holding specific grades in each class would earn her...

The Truth About Failing

  Failure sounds and feels like defeat and disappointment. Something that we didn't want to happen happened. Yet, its value lies in how we respond to it. I attended a concert where the singer kept...

Upgrade Your Summer to Easy

  Finally, we had a normal school year, and our hopes for a glorious summer soared. For it to go well, I recommend having a collaborative mindset and chatting about summer's expectations with the...
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TED Talks – Everyday Leadership

Everyday Leadership We have all changed someone’s life — usually without even realizing it. In this funny talk, Drew Dudley ...

Adm. McRaven Urges Graduates to Find Courage to Change the World

Courage. The following are the remarks by Naval Adm. William H. McRaven, ninth commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, at ...

What Are You Grateful For?

by Katherine Schulten We’ve asked this question before, but seemingly every year there is new scientific research showing that being ...

Choose to Be Grateful. It Will Make You Happier.

by Arthur C. Brooks Grateful: TWENTY-FOUR years ago this month, my wife and I married in Barcelona, Spain. Two weeks ...

TED Talks – The Magic of One Ritual

The Magic of One Ritual Magic. A long time ago in New York City, Steve Addis stood on a corner ...

TED Talks – Movies and Manhood Messages

Speaker Colin Stokes When Colin Stokes' 3-year-old son caught a glimpse of "Star Wars," he was instantly obsessed. But what ...

TED Talks – The Surprising Science of Happiness

Speaker Dan Gilbert Dan Gilbert, author of "Stumbling on Happiness," challenges the idea that we'll be miserable if we don't ...

TED Talks – How Great Leaders Inspire Action

How Great Leaders Inspire Action Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership — starting with a ...