My Story

I always wanted to help people. As a college freshman, my major was fashion design. Clothes allowed people to express themselves, and women’s fashion fascinated me. Creating them was going to be my contribution to the world.

As much as I loved the freedom and creativity, something was missing—the human connection. My professor was sad to see me leave, but he wished me well. With a degree in psychology and a Master of Science in Counselling, I was on my way to helping people on a personal level.

Following my career as a therapist, I was hired as a school counselor. I loved supporting students as they contemplated who they would be when they grew up, what classes they should take, or how to deal with disappointments. Like all adolescents, their journey to self-discovery took many twists and turns.

With the shift in technology and cell phone’s popularity, parents began visiting my office as often as their children. They felt ghosted and on the outside of their tween and teen lives more than ever. I understood that it was challenging to be in the body of an adolescent and equally frustrating to be the parent of one. Parents and family leaders were hungry for approaches and strategies to build stronger relationships, have fewer conflicts, and share more joy with their transforming children.

In response, I founded Your Tween and You. I began presenting parenting workshops, writing, and distributing my newsletter, The Tween Times, and coaching parents. From PTAs hiring me to speak to Non-profits wanting professional development and training, my business and influence grew.

Later, a local paper began printing my newsletters; I received the Top Entrepreneur Award in Dallas and Coach of the Year in Coppell, Texas. I was honored to give a commence address recently, and my book, many years in the making, Loving the Alien How to Parent Your Tween, was published just this year.

I am in awe of my children, friends, family, and fellow educators. I am eternally grateful to the many mentors who generously taught me how to be a businesswoman. And to all the parents I have had the pleasure of working with, it’s been an honor.

Support for Parents of Adolescent

My mission is to help your family thrive.

Your Tween & You empowers and supports you as your child transforms from a child to an adult. It’s not an easy task! Adolescents need you more than ever and rely on your insight, wisdom, and leadership. This is because they have no experience with puberty, are confounded by belonging and fitting in, and their brains are not fully operational when it comes to decision making.

It’s so common to feel perplexed or that you’re falling short as a parent when your child is moody, challenges the rules, gives one word answers, or responds with indifference. I’ve helped parents just like you learn exceptional parenting skills that results in launching extraordinary adults.

Ready to Book an Appointment? Have Questions?

Parent Centered Approach


Adolescence is a serious time of transformation! Tween and teens need their parents to engage, relate, and connect with them. I teach specific skills, strategies and tools that facilitate and boost parents’ leadership and communication skills. Parents learn “how to” grow emotional wellness and resilience, understand and support the developmental stages, and embrace shared decision making and second chances.

I believe in you! And I believe learning together is better than doing it alone. I’d love to coach you or present a parenting workshop to your group or school. You will love the experience and be thrilled with the results!

Book a free consultation here.

Our mission is the help your family thrive!