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Simple Ways to Grow Your Tweens’ Strengths
You and I know school requires more than learning the subject matter. At its heart lies a framework for gaining ...
Technology is Here to Stay – So Let’s Embrace it
The tipping point when our adolescent knows more than we do about social media, technology trends, and phones will happen ...
4 ways to Boost Your Mental Health
Now that we can talk about mental health without shame or stigma, it’s time to build ours. Our social and ...
The Love you Give
Being a mom was easier before the moodiness, shrugs, and slammed doors. We cringed. Being a mom had never felt ...
Bullying: The Beginning, Middle, and End.
Few things feel as disarming and disturbing as being bullied. As much as we hope our child is spared, they ...
Technology didn’t suck last week!
Do you vacillate between absolute appreciation and irritating impatience with technology? I suspect we share these extremes from time to ...
The #1 Valentine This Year
The media and stores do a fantastic job reminding us that it’s time to purchase Valentines. I know you plan ...
A Yearly Perk for Middle Schoolers
A super-cool perk of being in middle school is the giant window of opportunity that lies before your child on ...