Here’s What Happened

Here’s What Happened

by | Jan 30, 2019 | Tween Times

We were elated and relieved when Jayme Closs escaped from the man who murdered her parents, kidnapped her, and held her captive.

Unfortunately, it was incorrectly reported by many sources: “We found. Police discovered. Jayme Closs was located!” None of those things happened.

Here’s what happened.

On the 88th day of Jayme Closs’ imprisonment, her abductor left the house where she was confined under a bed. This remarkable 13-year-old girl, summoned her strength and wits, energized her will, and believed in herself so profoundly that she pushed her way out of the trap. In oversized men’s shoes without a coat in the Wisconsin cold she told the first person she encountered who she was and asked for help.

We need to express her actions like this, “Jayme bolted. Jayme planned. Jayne seized the moment. Jayme never gave up. Jayme courageously broke out of the prison. Jayme escaped. Jayme is the hero of her story. Jayme triumphed.”

When the facts were altered and credit was wrongly applied, the true champion, Jayme, was not honored, recognized, or applauded for her actions. Instead, she was undermined. Not one of us wanted it to be that way. The truth is that she, and she alone, escaped and regained her freedom.

This point is essential for Jayme, and for all of us. It’s imperative that ownership and credit be given solely to the architect, originator, and designer of the act.

We can do this as parents. We can invite our daughter to tell the doctor her symptoms, listen as she spells out her study routine that resulted in her earning that A, and ask her to describe the strategy she used to score the goal that won the game. By using their voices, sharing their stories and recounting their steps, they grasp their value and embrace their strength. Let’s let them tell their stories.

I hope you are well. If I can help you, I’m an email away.

Thanks for all you do raising your remarkable children,
