Is a Screen Free Week Possible?

Boy, this is a huge challenge! Screen Free Week starts Monday and goes to May 6th.I want to embrace this idea because it is worthy and good. Many schools and libraries, like mine in Coppell, Texas, are participating. I admire and applaud them.
But, what would a screen-free week be like? Hard. It’s not realistic to demand total screen abstinence from my family. It’s not worth the fallout. #IknowIcantbescreenfreeevenforaday
Instead, I will invite each of them to consider carving out an hour a day for no screens. The opportunity to make their own decisions empowers them. Like me, they don’t like to be told what to do. Are you like this, too?
Any concession they give to reduce screen time will be accepted. Maybe even celebrated!
What will we do with extra time, should we have it? I hope we can agree on a few of my preferences: taking a walk, playing board games, baking something decadent, purging crowded closets, and nothing. What would your family do?
For sure, change is intensely difficult. Habits are hard to kick. And, we know too much screen time isn’t beneficial. Still, we love it. In fact, I am binge watching Stranger Things while I’m writing this. Truth be told I’ve got three devices in front of me. Maybe, I could not watch Netflix for Screen-Free Week. I know I could. Will I?
Go gently. Visit www.screenfree.org for more info. #Youdonthavetodoit