Is it just me, or did I miss it? Did one man specifically admit he abused, assaulted, or raped a woman? Was there a specific apology to a specific woman?
More admirable are the women who have come forward naming the men who abused, assaulted, and raped them. Their strength brings the gravity and frequency of this problem to our collective awareness.
Now is the time to invest in your son, he’s part of our next generation of men. Don’t hope he’ll be an extraordinary and decent man. Hope is not a plan. He needs you to teach him. These things as a way of life.
Don’t get drunk or high. It’s documented that good judgement is absent when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Help your son stay out of harm’s way.
Control your son’s access to porn. It demeans women and cheapens sex. Porn is easily accessible on every device so having the conversation to explain about porn is a must.
Teach delayed gratification because every urge does not need to be immediately satisfied. Recognize the urge and accept that satisfying it can wait. This is a life time skill, not just related to sex.
Use consequences with your son that will teach him responsibility and accountability. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and respond the next time with a higher skill level and wiser strategies. The key is to do it calmly and openly with the same respect you want him to give you.
Teach your son that his self-importance is never above showing everyone else respect. This will help shape him into a moral and kind man.
Never use or allow derogatory terms like bitch, slut, etc. Do not call women sweetie, hon, miss, etc. Introduce women with the title they have earned. Language matters.
Give him specific skills so as a bystander he will know how to support and protect anyone who is being harmed in his vision. There is a hero in him.
You are always teaching. By words, but more by example, attitude, and action. You have the privilege to infuse steel, form beliefs, and inspire action!
I’m pretty sure you already knew this. Yet, if it can help you with one thing, I am fulfilling my mission.