Happy Father’s Day

“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me” Jim Valvano
Thank You for Being an Incredible Dad
The fabric of a dad’s life, your life, is woven together with love, integrity and vision. Tasked with earning a living and raising a child, your road is long and your days are often lengthier. Rewards may not come often. But don’t stop! You child relies on you. I’m grateful for your commitment and presence, but your child is even more appreciative.
You have a history. Sometimes your best wasn’t good enough and you learned how to deal with disappointment and discouragement. When you were tapped to lead, you learned clarity and grace. When you were tempted, you learned wisdom. When you were promoted you gave your team and mentors full credit for your success. With each accolade and challenge, confidence and courage imprinted on you, making you the man of distinction you are today.
I hope on this Father’s Day, your day, you’ll have time to tell your child one of your stories – something funny or hard or life-changing so your child learns more about you. Maybe you’d rather teach them how to change a tire, fold a fitted sheet or say “I was wrong and I’m sorry.” Telling stories and sharing skills fashion the glue, staples, and bungee cords that bind you to each other.
Have a fun Father’s Day,