Do you feel like I feel?

Do you feel like I feel?

by | Jun 12, 2020 | Trending, Tween Times

With eager anticipation we awaited fresh news to distract us from the pandemic – something lively and refreshing to relieve the anxiety of the unknown. But that didn’t happen. Rather, George Floyd, an unarmed black man was murdered by a white police officer. This hideous and brutal killing reached a boiling point that flooded the streets of the world, media and our hearts with outrage and anger.

The reality is that it’s inherently dangerous to be a person of color in the United States. Not because of any act or action on their part, but because of racism’s centuries old systemic infestation and strong hold. It’s a lie that’s been taught, accepted and reinforced.

To whom much is given, much is expected

We each must examine our beliefs by looking at the small and large things we do that further or reduce racism. Next comes transforming our hearts and reforming our beliefs so we can heal, accept and include everyone equally. Finally, taking action to reform our personal and public agenda and behavior.

You may think your influence is limited, but you’re wrong. The action you take matters. Which of these will you do?

Your Voice

Awake awareness in those who show bias and discriminate 

Ask your friends who are people of color how you can support them

Vote for candidates who believe what you believe and enact fair policies

Your Time

Invite people of color to your events, welcome them graciously and sit with them

Establish, join and invest in consortiums that enact change

Respond responsibly to empower your mission to end discrimination

Your Talent

Create paid internships and open seats at the table  

Change hiring strategies and training programs where you work

Provide academic scholarships, mentoring and coaching

Your Love

Validate and empathize with the experiences shared by people of color

Teach your children acceptance, inclusion and equality 

 Live by the golden rule

Your Investment

Unlearn any discrimination you once accepted

Read books by and about the lives of people of color

Support business owned by people of color

I know you stand with me working for universal equality, respect, and peace. One day we, the big we of every heart and mind, will stop seeing people of color and see people.

Warm regards,
