Gatorade, BO, and Dried Snot My recent coaching client, Kim, asked me to share this story of how her son had to solve his big problem one morning. I give her full credit for bringing out the best in him. “MOM!” Aiden blurted. Kim heard her eighth...
How to Rein in Screen Time Many parents tell me they want to make changes to screen time use. If you’ve attended a Your Tween & You workshop, you learned that collaborating with your child is the one strategy that eliminates power struggles and pushback....
We’re Scared Again Life is fragile. What can we do? Today, our hearts’ desire is for our kids to feel safe, comforted, and supported in the wake of another school shooting. We want to guide them to sort out their feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, and more....
Love Quiz How do you express “I love you!” to your son or daughter? To ensure that special, loved, and cherished feeling? Do you know how he or she prefers to receive love from you? If you and your child haven’t taken the 5 Love Languages quiz, this is a perfect time....
It’s Who We Are I broke a long standing tradition this year. I put up our new Christmas tree before Thanksgiving. It was impossible for me to wait and see both the colored and clear lights twinkling. When my family protested, I gave them a glowing and glittering light...
Top 5 Music is one of the best things about Christmas. No matter where I am, the first time I hear The Christmas Song I am taken back to decorating the Christmas trees of my youth. The memories fill me with unbelievable joy. And love, wonder, and delight. And a warm...